When people travel they tend to visit several places and usually everyone take lots of pictures and produces lots of videos during their stay in each place in order to show their friends and family or just to remember later. For instance, after having made hundreds of records during a three months trip, the question a traveller should answer is “How would I select only the best ones portraying the best moments of that experience?”.
Then, have to reorganise all the information from the beginning, and this can take a lot of time and patience.
Ubiwhere developed the solution Queepix, which allows users to organise and save, physically and virtually, the most memorable moments in a simple, fast and smart way. Queepix catalogues and processes comments, Facebook likes, tagged people and information on geo-referenced multimedia content, among others.
An agglomeration of photos and videos is replaced by experiences, including visited places, people involved and comments describing each moment. To make each experience even more memorable, we have created physical products (e.g., albums) so the user can share them or offer them to friends and family.